There are 8 million students currently enrolled in high school. 2.3 million will enter college this fall. If you add in the students already attending college or entering graduate schools, the number of prospective families grows considerably.
The large number of students mentioned previously replenishes itself each year. If you compare the number of anxious families to the small number of agents currently doing college planning, you’ll want to place yourself squarely in this niche market.
College costs are rising three times the rate of inflation. Money Magazine recently estimated that at the rate of current cost increase, a student entering an Ivy League College in the year 2021 would be looking at a four-year cost of $280,000. That means that even high-income families will need to find ways to cover college costs. The Pro College Consulting system will:
No. Having been in the business ourselves, we know how valuable your time is, and how much most agents hate paperwork. Therefore, we have streamlined the program, so you have the tools to become successful. Once families see how their assets are affecting them, they may even ask you for your expertise regarding financial products. We will handle the rest.
1. Preparation – we prepare a comprehensive customized report detailing all information and strategies.
2. We will guide and assist you on the applications for aid.
No. We have developed training techniques to help you. Give us one hour of your time and you will be ready to meet your first client. Our customer support staff is available to handle special questions.
529 plans can be wonderful investments for families that start planning for college when their children are young. However, our program is designed for parents 38-60 years old that have an immediate need with students that are sophomores, juniors or seniors in high school, or even freshman in college, that may not have planned for the expense of college. 529 plans may also hurt a family regardless of when they plan for college if they qualify for need-based financial aid. 529 are currently assessed in the financial aid formulas!
1. Virtual pre-set appointments with parents who have requested to talk to you in your area.
2. College fairs and financial aid nights.
3. Your own client bases. No matter what market you are currently working, there must be a number of clients who need this service but don’t know that they can turn to you to solve their problems. Even if you have been concentrating on the senior market, many of them have grandchildren who will be entering college in the next few years.
4. Newspaper ads.
5. We will show you how to get into the public and private high schools over 18,000 high school seminars.
6. Radio.
7. Churches.
8. Social media and mailers.
9. Corporate events – you can target the parents on whichever budget you choose.
Obviously, we cannot guarantee that you will earn a specific dollar amount. Not everyone works at the same pace. From our records, we can tell you that our average affiliate who sees twenty new prospects each month, can reasonably expect to close seven of those appointments. If you charge the national average of $1,695 each, that’s almost $5,000, EVEN IF YOU DON’T SELL THEM ANYTHING ELSE! Of the seven closes, an average of 3 will ask you for expertise regarding financial products. Also, keep in mind that many of the people you get in front of may become your client and never sign up to our program. This is a proven prospecting tool where anyone can become a lifetime client.